What the Fack do I think....

"I keep saying "What the Fack?!". "What the Fack?!" gives me freedom. Freedom gives me satisfaction. Satisfaction gives me opportunity. Opportunity makes my future. So "What the Fack?!" makes my future "- Blog Owner

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Current Mood: Ecstatic.
Listening to: November Rain- Guns N' Roses
Thought of the moment: Exams are facking such a facking waste of my facking time.

Cause darling when I hold you...Don't you know I feel the same.

Wasssaaaa? xD I take immense pride and honor in letting you people know that I through with my first internal exams in grand fashion. I almost got pwned by a few question papers. But then its ok. Being perfect will be so boring. My ear is kind of fine. As it should be. Oh fack!! I have to tell you this....
The Taliban morons issued a new fatwa which bans the use of condom in the areas controlled by them....ROFLCORE!! What the fack?! I mean this is the height of backwardness, illiteracy and inconsideration and I don't know what not. I am very sure everyone is sick and tired of this shit. I I hope and believe that this is the beginning of the end of these scum eating faggots. They can almost see it coming. I wonder if there is something worse than hells which awaits them.
Anyways it just came to my mind that how important is for a person to know when to say a firm "No". There are certain things which are beyond the limits and scope of compromising. And what else...5 exams in 3 days. Total disaster for the arse. It is like a fucking marathon where you don't even get to see new scenarios. Same old college. Same old classroom. Same old facking story.
And what else? Yeah....I experienced something very unusual in my life today. Couldn't see it at all. I am sure I will write about it very soon. Its just that I am shit tired today. Oh fack. India NewZealand match from 3:30 Am. I have to have to watch it. Lets see what is teh order of teh night. Now I cant typwe antymowre ands my ayes canntt se animre..
