What the Fack do I think....

"I keep saying "What the Fack?!". "What the Fack?!" gives me freedom. Freedom gives me satisfaction. Satisfaction gives me opportunity. Opportunity makes my future. So "What the Fack?!" makes my future "- Blog Owner

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Everything is so dim. The house. My place. My room. My air conditioner. People. Each and every facking thing. I feel so outta zeal. Everything is so slow paced. Someone said..When you feel bored..its probably that you're bored of yourself. But the point being that I can't see no change in myself. So, it can be that I am bored of me being me. But people tell me that you don't need to change? Butwai? Don't we get bored of ourselves if we don't change? But then people start complaining if you do. Everyone cannot be happy. I guess you have to pick and choose.

Disappointed in people. I try my best(est). Not matter how hard I try. I guess I'll be a better person if I start caring less :| Only if I start bothering less. Only if I don't give a fack. People not willing to stand by their commitments. One facking thing I hate is that lousy reasoning. That nagging. That bloddy irritating habbit. It is sux.

I don't know. I'll be better in a few days. I used to care like 100x. I do 30x. I will make it to an x sometime soon XD Bwahahahhaha. Flawless victory. Its not that folks at home irritate me. They are such lovely souls. I guess its in me.

I live on.

Au Revior.

PS: I think I should probably blog a little about my happy-ish moments. I guess when I will read this place in some time from now then all I will get is that I was a lousy arse bway. I'll let you know about those thrills and all. All coming up very soon. This will be a happy place <3


Unknown said...

Hahahaha... vacations are very boring :(
I am doing my homework :)
Missing mimi :(