What the Fack do I think....

"I keep saying "What the Fack?!". "What the Fack?!" gives me freedom. Freedom gives me satisfaction. Satisfaction gives me opportunity. Opportunity makes my future. So "What the Fack?!" makes my future "- Blog Owner

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Of wasted time and facked trials.

Its been pretty fine with me. Things have been so monotonous :|

Nevermind. These days I am closely following the
Ruchika Girhotra molestation issue. The smile which that "bastard" wore after coming out of the court was so facking sinister :\ I mean after 19 years of toiling he got a bloody "6 months" in jail and a "1000 Rs" fine. WOTTHEFACK?!?! I mean that is bloody amazing. And that too the man will be out on bail/remand/bullshit/blah for whole of the 6 months. I think....

1. Indian Penal Code sucks
2. Mr. Rathore is a murderer. He actually drove the girl to commit suicide and facking made sure that life of his brother is damaged too.
3. What kind of a woman is his wife?!?! I mean walking with a grinning-child-molester-son-of-a-whore. Plain sadness.
4. The powerful will just protect the powerful in our country. And that "COMMON MAN" will be raped and molested and killed and blah. Nothing beats that. And actually it is pretty hilarious after a point in time
5. People like "ME" and "YOU" and the whole of the media just talks about it when its in the talks. We forget about it pretty soon. And we just let it be.


My exams are up my arse again. New year owned too :\

Merry Chirstmas.

PS: As a kid, I used to love singing Christmas Carols at the top of my voice. These days used to be fun at school. I don't know. I want to be back with my friends. This place is too artificial. People just wear plastic emotions here -.-