Its been pretty fine with me. Things have been so monotonous :|
Nevermind. These days I am closely following the Ruchika Girhotra molestation issue. The smile which that "bastard" wore after coming out of the court was so facking sinister :\ I mean after 19 years of toiling he got a bloody "6 months" in jail and a "1000 Rs" fine. WOTTHEFACK?!?! I mean that is bloody amazing. And that too the man will be out on bail/remand/bullshit/blah for whole of the 6 months. I think....
1. Indian Penal Code sucks
2. Mr. Rathore is a murderer. He actually drove the girl to commit suicide and facking made sure that life of his brother is damaged too.
3. What kind of a woman is his wife?!?! I mean walking with a grinning-child-molester-son-of-a-whore. Plain sadness.
4. The powerful will just protect the powerful in our country. And that "COMMON MAN" will be raped and molested and killed and blah. Nothing beats that. And actually it is pretty hilarious after a point in time
5. People like "ME" and "YOU" and the whole of the media just talks about it when its in the talks. We forget about it pretty soon. And we just let it be.
My exams are up my arse again. New year owned too :\
Merry Chirstmas.
PS: As a kid, I used to love singing Christmas Carols at the top of my voice. These days used to be fun at school. I don't know. I want to be back with my friends. This place is too artificial. People just wear plastic emotions here -.-
What the Fack do I think....
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Of wasted time and facked trials.
Posted by Homer Simpson! at 11:15 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Now I know what parents feel when they make a facking clown out of themselves to entertain their child throughout the day and just before going to bed the kid pwns them about something as small as one in a million.
Posted by Homer Simpson! at 10:02 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 20, 2009
To you people <3
Cough. Cold. Sleeplessness.
And in that. I thought about all my friends. I remembered everyone. It is possible that we are not able to talk as much as we used to. Or we couldn't start talking to each other inspite of hoping to do so. Or we couldn't get hold of each other. Or I was a disgrace. A wheathead Or some other facking bullshit. I still remember each one of you. I still find solace in the fact that I have been blessed enough to have you people around.
your time.
the space.
the love.
the very sight
of your
Posted by Homer Simpson! at 6:37 AM 1 comments
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Everything is so dim. The house. My place. My room. My air conditioner. People. Each and every facking thing. I feel so outta zeal. Everything is so slow paced. Someone said..When you feel bored..its probably that you're bored of yourself. But the point being that I can't see no change in myself. So, it can be that I am bored of me being me. But people tell me that you don't need to change? Butwai? Don't we get bored of ourselves if we don't change? But then people start complaining if you do. Everyone cannot be happy. I guess you have to pick and choose.
Disappointed in people. I try my best(est). Not matter how hard I try. I guess I'll be a better person if I start caring less :| Only if I start bothering less. Only if I don't give a fack. People not willing to stand by their commitments. One facking thing I hate is that lousy reasoning. That nagging. That bloddy irritating habbit. It is sux.
I don't know. I'll be better in a few days. I used to care like 100x. I do 30x. I will make it to an x sometime soon XD Bwahahahhaha. Flawless victory. Its not that folks at home irritate me. They are such lovely souls. I guess its in me.
I live on.
Au Revior.
PS: I think I should probably blog a little about my happy-ish moments. I guess when I will read this place in some time from now then all I will get is that I was a lousy arse bway. I'll let you know about those thrills and all. All coming up very soon. This will be a happy place <3
Posted by Homer Simpson! at 12:41 PM 1 comments
Thursday, June 4, 2009
It feels great to see my family being complete once again. We dine as a happy family. We sit together as a happy family. Its all good :)
Random thought of the day ->
Disinterest and Failing to support your words with deeds kills everything. Trust. Hope. Frienship. Marriage. Love. Everything.
And I didn't make it up in the air. iExperience it =]
Posted by Homer Simpson! at 11:10 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
How I wish
How I wish you were here.
I say yes.
I say I care.
I talk.
I laugh.
I respect.
Wait till I start to not care.
Wait for my patience to disappear.
Wait till I don't have it in me anymore.
For everyone but you.
And then you'll say yes.
Respect I will.
Care I will.
Talk I will.
Laugh I will.
But for your yes it'll be a no from me.
PS: I'm in love with Pink Floyd. Gilmour forever \m/ ^:)^
What the fack. I can't help myself posting the whole song.
So, so you think you can tell Heaven from Hell,
blue skies from pain.
Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail?
A smile from a veil?
Do you think you can tell?
And did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts?
Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air for a cool breeze?
Cold comfort for change?
And did you exchange a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?
How I wish, how I wish you were here.
We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year,
Running over the same old ground.
What have you found? The same old fears.
Wish you were here.
Posted by Homer Simpson! at 11:22 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 18, 2009
Definitely Maybe
I accept.
I regret.
You don't forget people that easily. You don't stop wishing for them so easily. You just don't. And I'm no different. Things have changed. Situations have.But not me. Priorities for some have. But not for me. It may look like they have. But you cant make that out from such a distance. You'll still find me sitting round the corner. Just the same way you did once. You just have to pass by.
Intent without action. And action without intent. Both are useless.
Posted by Homer Simpson! at 6:38 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Current Mood: Ecstatic.
Listening to: November Rain- Guns N' Roses
Thought of the moment: Exams are facking such a facking waste of my facking time.
Cause darling when I hold you...Don't you know I feel the same.
Wasssaaaa? xD I take immense pride and honor in letting you people know that I through with my first internal exams in grand fashion. I almost got pwned by a few question papers. But then its ok. Being perfect will be so boring. My ear is kind of fine. As it should be. Oh fack!! I have to tell you this....
The Taliban morons issued a new fatwa which bans the use of condom in the areas controlled by them....ROFLCORE!! What the fack?! I mean this is the height of backwardness, illiteracy and inconsideration and I don't know what not. I am very sure everyone is sick and tired of this shit. I I hope and believe that this is the beginning of the end of these scum eating faggots. They can almost see it coming. I wonder if there is something worse than hells which awaits them.
Anyways it just came to my mind that how important is for a person to know when to say a firm "No". There are certain things which are beyond the limits and scope of compromising. And what else...5 exams in 3 days. Total disaster for the arse. It is like a fucking marathon where you don't even get to see new scenarios. Same old college. Same old classroom. Same old facking story.
And what else? Yeah....I experienced something very unusual in my life today. Couldn't see it at all. I am sure I will write about it very soon. Its just that I am shit tired today. Oh fack. India NewZealand match from 3:30 Am. I have to have to watch it. Lets see what is teh order of teh night. Now I cant typwe antymowre ands my ayes canntt se animre..
Posted by Homer Simpson! at 10:21 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 16, 2009
Current song: No ceiling - Eddie Vedder
Thinking about: The 2nd exam.
On the clock: 2:06
Got 2 exams tomorrow. 10-12 and 2-4. The area around my ear lobe and my wisdom tooth both are shit swelled. I can barely speak. Don't feel like studying. Don't feel like sleeping. Some escapism please. It is such a shithole.
"As I walk the my wish to up and disappear"
And hence I disappear. Wait. Sometimes I wonder...what heals swelling better...Hot water bottle..or Ice pack. It is very confusing you know. I never have a very clear idea when to go for the former. I personally prefer the latter. Disturbi4.
PS: Nostalgia.
Posted by Homer Simpson! at 1:32 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 23, 2009
Deep down below.
Its not very often that I look myself in the face and say "What the fack?". Today while I was on my way back after having a peach of a day with my friends I suddenly realized that there are not a lot of things to my life at this particular stage. All right I do have friends but still. My academics are going down..I am not as happy as I used to be. People still say that they do find me chirpy and upbeat most of the time. It is so ,but there are times when I wonder as to how my life is shaping up. Its like I have widthdrawn my foot off the gas pedal and my aspirations and dreams all all going into a pitch black valley of disappointments. I never used to think about this before. Because everything used to be just about fine. With a lot of my friends around me...everything was fine. Such things never used to pinch me as I had people to cheer me up and talk to me. I must and I must take everything tad more seriously. This is happenening and I really have to pull my socks up.
Posted by Homer Simpson! at 11:02 AM 1 comments
Thursday, January 8, 2009
How Does it Feel?!?!
Ass-salaam-o-aleykum...Bah! What the fack are you doing? XD
Even the title isn't original. As if the first line is. Yeah as Mr. Bob Dylan enquires...How does it feel?. I bet the answer to this invariably is "Fine". But is it so? I've been called names during the day. Kicked. Thrashed. But at the end of the day..."Fine". Facking fine. I guess the onus should be on opening up. Letting people know how you feel isn't all that bad. Asking people how they feel isn't all that bad. But then...hah! Like a rolling stone.
Weirdness at its best. Just the other day me and my friend were talking about this. Its awkward. Very. But then yea "Nothing much" Rules. The smartest way to skip the question. Facking shit man. I feel terrible. Can't help it. Its me. But then. Flip side of the coin..That's you. That's everyone but me. Hmmm facking complicated. I guess acting like a bastard pays.Bigtime. Be a bastard. Everyone. Careless. Selfish. Insensitive. Bastard. Fack yeah. Prime objective.
Arghh...I want to write a lot. I will be away for about 10 days. Yea serious. 10 long days. Without internet. Shit man I will have to scratch my crotch all along. 10 days. Fack man. zomg. Me be a programmer. Me be making a game...Fackman. Pacman. Fackman. Bwahahahahha XD Glimpses of sheer genius. Arghh what else...Sanjay dutt...Politics. Blah! Go Mayawati...LMAO. What else? What else? I'm pwning people bigtime in Counter Strike. Like totally >_>
I guess that will be it. I am slowly but surely turning into a boring retard. Yea stone me. See if I care. If people can't be sure don't know what others are.
Good Night people. And yes do have facking fun.
Hasta La Vista.
PS: Microsoft be sued. Vista?!?!?! Facking coincidence?!
Posted by Homer Simpson! at 10:56 AM 5 comments